Issue 40, 2024

Design of alkali lead oxybromides with a strong second-harmonic generation response and large birefringence


Nonlinear optical (NLO) crystals are of importance in modern lasers, high-precision micromachining, ultrahigh resolution photolithography and advanced scientific equipment. Herein, we have rationally obtained two new lead oxybromides, A3[Pb2Br5(OOC(CH2)3COO)] (A = Rb, Cs), with a strong second-harmonic generation (SHG) response and large birefringence. Two neighboring highly distorted [PbBr4O2] polyhedrons with high polarizability and anisotropic polarization are bridged by the flexible glutarate group and one Br anion to form a large [Pb2Br7(OOC(CH2)3COO)] group. Interestingly, the large [Pb2Br7(OOC(CH2)3COO)] groups are induced by Rb+/Cs+ cations into an oriented alignment, leading to the effective superimposition of their microscopic second-order susceptibility and the enhancement of optical anisotropy. Notably, Rb3[Pb2Br5(OOC(CH2)3COO)] exhibits good comprehensive NLO performance, including a strong phase-matching SHG response of 3.1 × KDP, a large birefringence of 0.207@546 nm, a wide high transparency window, easy growth of large single crystals, as well as good thermal stability up to 240 °C under an air atmosphere. On the basis of their crystal structures and theoretical calculations, their strong SHG responses mainly stem from the highly distorted [PbBr4O2] polyhedron. This research provides an effective strategy for the design and pursuit of high-performance NLO crystals in the future.

Graphical abstract: Design of alkali lead oxybromides with a strong second-harmonic generation response and large birefringence

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Article type
11 Jul 2024
29 Aug 2024
First published
30 Aug 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024,12, 16367-16374

Design of alkali lead oxybromides with a strong second-harmonic generation response and large birefringence

J. Zeng, S. Li, Y. Zhu, Z. Geng, Y. Luo, R. Fu and Z. Ma, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024, 12, 16367 DOI: 10.1039/D4TC02947J

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