Issue 27, 2024

Heterostructures stacked with X2SY (X = In, Ga; Y = Se, Te) and g-C2N monolayers for high power conversion efficiency solar cells: insight from electronic properties and nonadiabatic dynamics


Three heterostructures stacked with Janus group-III chalcogenides (X2SY; X = In, Ga and Y = Se, Te) and g-C2N monolayers are screened for solar cells based on the calculated electronic properties, optical absorption, power conversion efficiency, and nonadiabatic molecular dynamics (NAMD) simulations. A total of 114 different configurations of 14 heterostructures from the various stacking models of X2SY and g-C2N monolayers are considered. The power conversion efficiencies of the Ga2STe/In2STe, g-C2N/Ga2STe, and g-C2N/In2STe heterostructures with optimal stacking patterns are 14.06%, 10.01%, and 11.30%, respectively. Moreover, the power conversion efficiency of Ga2STe/In2STe can be enhanced to 20.79% under −4% compressive biaxial strain. The NAMD results demonstrate that all three heterostructures have a short interlayer carrier transfer time and a long electron–hole recombination time, which supports the high efficiency of carrier utilization in these heterostructures. Moreover, the long electron–hole recombination process and short electron/hole transfer process for g-C2N/In2STe are favorable for achieving a high power conversion efficiency. Therefore, this heterostructure is a promising material in the applications of solar cells.

Graphical abstract: Heterostructures stacked with X2SY (X = In, Ga; Y = Se, Te) and g-C2N monolayers for high power conversion efficiency solar cells: insight from electronic properties and nonadiabatic dynamics

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Article information

Article type
24 Feb 2024
23 May 2024
First published
23 May 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 16559-16568

Heterostructures stacked with X2SY (X = In, Ga; Y = Se, Te) and g-C2N monolayers for high power conversion efficiency solar cells: insight from electronic properties and nonadiabatic dynamics

X. Wan, C. Yang, X. Li, Y. Liu and W. Zhao, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 16559 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA01263A

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