Issue 8, 2024

Chirality-induced supramolecular nanodishes: enantioselectivity and energy transfer


Self-assembly is one of the most important issues of fabricating materials with precise chiral nanostructures. Herein, we constructed a chiral assembly system from amphiphiles containing hydrophobic/hydrophilic chiral coils bonded to hexabiphenyl, exhibiting controllable enantioselectivity over various aggregation behaviors. The chiral coils aroused various steric hindrances affecting intrinsic stacking tendency and compactness, leading to different aggregating behaviors, as concluded from the self-assembly investigation. The strong π–π stacking interaction between the long hexabiphenyl groups gave rise to a relatively compact arrangement in the aqueous solution, whereas the methyl side groups on the coil segments raised steric hindrance at the rigid-flexible interface, resulting in loose stacking and formation of nanostructures with a larger curvature. Compared with the achiral molecule 1 that formed micron-sized large sheets, molecules 2–4 containing chiral coils aggregated into nanodishes, which looked exactly like mosquito-repellent incense, to overcome surface tension. The helical structures effectively amplified chirality and exhibited strong circular dichroism (CD) signals, which indicate enantioselectivity. In addition, the relatively loose packing behavior permitted their co-assembly with a dye and aided efficient energy transfer, providing a foundation for the chiral application of supramolecules. Thus, by introducing a simple methyl side group in amphiphilic molecules, asymmetric synthesis and energy transfer efficiency can be realized.

Graphical abstract: Chirality-induced supramolecular nanodishes: enantioselectivity and energy transfer

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Article information

Article type
24 Dec 2023
22 Jan 2024
First published
24 Jan 2024

Soft Matter, 2024,20, 1884-1891

Chirality-induced supramolecular nanodishes: enantioselectivity and energy transfer

H. Zhao, G. Liu, Q. Xu, Y. Pei and L. Y. Jin, Soft Matter, 2024, 20, 1884 DOI: 10.1039/D3SM01747H

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