Issue 3, 2024

Reinforcement learning-based control for the thermal management of the battery and occupant compartments of electric vehicles


The complex coupling relationship in the cooling branch of direct-cooled battery thermal management systems leads to increased difficulty in controlling the temperature of the occupant compartment and the battery of electric vehicles as well as high energy consumption under high-temperature conditions in summer. In order to solve these problems, this study designed a secondary throttle (ST) orifice opening control at the refrigerant outlet of the battery branch and proposes a new cooling control strategy based on a deep reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm to control the compressor speed (Ncompressor) and ST orifice opening. We also compared the performance of the RL control strategy and the proportion integration differentiation (PID) control under two different working conditions. The results show that the RL control strategy could better control the passenger compartment and battery cold plate at 22 °C and 20 °C, the system superheating was also more stable, and the compressor energy consumption (Wcompressor) was 0.33 kW h−1 and 0.38 kW h−1 under a uniform climbing condition and NEDC condition, which were 5.7% and 7.3% lower than those of the PID control strategy, respectively.

Graphical abstract: Reinforcement learning-based control for the thermal management of the battery and occupant compartments of electric vehicles

Article information

Article type
31 Oct 2023
22 Dec 2023
First published
03 Jan 2024

Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2024,8, 588-603

Reinforcement learning-based control for the thermal management of the battery and occupant compartments of electric vehicles

Y. Zhang, J. Huang, L. He, D. Zhao and Y. Zhao, Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2024, 8, 588 DOI: 10.1039/D3SE01403G

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