Pronounced electronic modulation of geometrically-regulated metalloenediyne cyclization


Using a diverse array of thermally robust phosphine enediyne ligands (dxpeb, X = Ph, Ph-pOCH3, Ph-pCF3, Ph-m2CH3, Ph-m2CF3, iPr, Cy, and tBu) a novel suite of cisplatin-like Pt(II) metalloenediynes (3, Pt(dxpeb)Cl2) has been synthesized and represents unique electronic perturbations on thermal Bergman cyclization kinetics. Complexes 3e (Ph-m2CF3) and 3f (iPr) are the first of this structure type to be crystallographically characterized with inter alkyne termini distances (3e: 3.13 Å; 3f: 3.10 Å) at the lower end of the widely accepted critical distance range within which enediynes should demonstrate spontaneous ambient temperature cyclization. Despite different electronic profiles, these metalloenediynes adopt a rigid, uniform structure suggesting complexes of the form Pt(dxpeb)Cl2 have orthogonalized geometric and electronic contributions to thermal Bergman cyclization. Kinetic activation parameters determined using 31P NMR spectroscopy highlight the dramatic reactivity and thermal tunability of these complexes. At room temperature, the half-life (t1/2) of cyclization spans a range of ∼35 hours and for the aryl phosphine derivatives, cycloaromatization rates are 10–30 times faster for complexes with electron donating substituents (3b: Ph-pOCH3; 3d: Ph-m2CH3) compared to those with electron withdrawing substituents (3c: Ph-pCF3; 3e: Ph-m2CF3). Computational interrogation of the aryl phosphine metalloenediynes 3a–3e reveals that the origin of this precise electronic control derives from electronic withdrawing group-mediated alkyne carbon polarization that amplifies coulombic repulsion increasing the cyclization barrier height. Additionally, mixing between the in-plane π-orbitals and the phosphine aryl ring system is pronounced for complexes with electron donating substituents which stabilizes the developing C–C bond and lowers the activation barrier. This π-orbital mixing is negligible however, for complexes with electron withdrawing substituents due to an energetic mismatch of the orbital systems. Overall, this work demonstrates that for geometrically rigid frameworks, even remote enediyne functionalization can have pronounced effects on activation barrier.

Graphical abstract: Pronounced electronic modulation of geometrically-regulated metalloenediyne cyclization

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Article type
Edge Article
11 Aug 2024
08 Nov 2024
First published
12 Nov 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2025, Advance Article

Pronounced electronic modulation of geometrically-regulated metalloenediyne cyclization

S. E. Lindahl, E. M. Metzger, C. Chen, M. Pink and J. M. Zaleski, Chem. Sci., 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4SC05396F

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