Tumor oxygen microenvironment-tailored electron transfer-type photosensitizers for precise cancer therapy


The oxygen level in a tumor typically exhibits complex characteristics, ranging from mild hypoxia to moderate and even severe hypoxia. This poses significant challenges for the efficacy of photodynamic therapy, where oxygen is an essential element. Herein, we propose a novel therapeutic strategy and develop a series of lipid droplet-targeting photosensitive dyes (Ser-TPAs), i.e., in situ synergistic activation of two different electron transfer-type reactions. Based on this strategy, Ser-TPAs can synergistically generate O2˙ and nitrogen radicals regardless of the oxygen content, which results in a sustained high concentration of strongly oxidizing substances in the lipid droplets of cancer cells. As such, Ser-TPAs exhibited inhibitory activity against tumor growth in vivo, resulting in a significant reduction in tumor volume (Vexperimental group : Vcontrol group ≈ 0.07). This strategy offers a conceptual framework for the design of innovative photosensitive dyes that are suitable for cancer therapy in complex oxygen environments.

Graphical abstract: Tumor oxygen microenvironment-tailored electron transfer-type photosensitizers for precise cancer therapy

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Article type
Edge Article
25 May 2024
06 Sep 2024
First published
07 Sep 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2024, Advance Article

Tumor oxygen microenvironment-tailored electron transfer-type photosensitizers for precise cancer therapy

Y. Yang, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, K. Wang, G. Wang, Y. Yang, W. J. Jang, T. D. James, J. Yoon and H. Zhang, Chem. Sci., 2024, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4SC03424D

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