Issue 24, 2024

White light emission and superior color stability in a single-component host with exceptional eminent color rendering and theoretical calculations on Duv for color quality


Correlated color temperature (CCT) is widely used to describe the chromaticity of white light sources, although chromaticity is only two-dimensional, and the distance from the Planckian locus is typically absent. Herein, a novel single-phase Ca3YAl3B4O15:Tm3+,Dy3+,Eu3+, an emerging white-emitting phosphor with good optical properties and thermal-stability, is produced, and the practical calculation methods to calculate the chromaticity-shift (ΔE) and Duv value for color-quality are also demonstrated, making it a good contender for possible use in LEDs. The incorporation of Eu3+ into Ca3YAl3B4O15:0.015Tm3+,0.08Dy3+ resulted in attractive warm-white light with CCT declining from 4635 K to 3065 K. The Ca3YAl3B4O15:Tm3+,Dy3+,Eu3+ exhibited excellent thermal stability (I@400 K = ∼93%). The Ca3YAl3B4O15:Tm3+,Dy3+,Eu3+-based WLED exhibits satisfactory parameters of high Ra (89.9) and low-CCT (3065 K). Additionally, this article offers useful mathematical strategies for calculating Duv over a wide-range of chromaticity, from 2000 to 6000 K in CCT and from −0.002 to 0.014, which strongly matches the range in an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard. For the first time, white light with minimized thermal-quenching, improved CRI, and color quality has been used in near-UV chip-excited WLEDs.

Graphical abstract: White light emission and superior color stability in a single-component host with exceptional eminent color rendering and theoretical calculations on Duv for color quality

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Article type
18 Sep 2024
11 Nov 2024
First published
11 Nov 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Mater. Adv., 2024,5, 9851-9861

White light emission and superior color stability in a single-component host with exceptional eminent color rendering and theoretical calculations on Duv for color quality

W. U. Khan, W. U. Khan, H. Zaman, A. Mahsud, D. Khan, S. U. Khan, S. Khan and Y. Zhang, Mater. Adv., 2024, 5, 9851 DOI: 10.1039/D4MA00937A

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