Issue 9, 2024

Dielectrophoretic characterization and selection of non-spherical flagellate algae in parallel channels with right-angle bipolar electrodes


Non-spherical flagellate algae play an increasingly significant role in handling problematic issues as versatile biological micro/nanorobots and resources of valuable bioproducts. However, the commensalism of flagellate algae with distinct structures and constituents causes considerable difficulties in their further biological utilization. Therefore, it is imperative to develop a novel method to realize high-efficiency selection of non-spherical flagellate algae in a non-invasive manner. Enthused by these, we proposed a novel method to accomplish the selection of flagellate algae based on the numerical and experimental investigation of dielectrophoretic characterizations of flagellate algae. Firstly, an arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method was utilized to study the electro-orientation and dielectrophoretic assembly process of spindle-shaped and ellipsoid-shaped cells in a uniform electric field. Secondly, we studied the equilibrium state of spherical, ellipsoid-shaped, and spindle-shaped cells under positive DEP forces actuated by right-angle bipolar electrodes. Thirdly, we investigated the dielectrophoretic assembly and escape processes of the non-spherical flagellate algae in continuous flow to explore their influences on the selection. Fourthly, freshwater flagellate algae (Euglena, H. pluvialis, and C. reinhardtii) and marine ones (Euglena, Dunaliella salina, and Platymonas) were separated to validate the feasibility and adaptability of this method. Finally, this approach was engineered in the selection of Euglena cells with high viability and motility. This method presents immense prospects in the selection of pure non-spherical flagellate algae with high motility for chronic wound healing, bio-micromotor construction, and decontamination with advantages of no sheath, strong reliability, and shape-insensitivity.

Graphical abstract: Dielectrophoretic characterization and selection of non-spherical flagellate algae in parallel channels with right-angle bipolar electrodes

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
21 Feb 2024
06 Apr 2024
First published
08 Apr 2024

Lab Chip, 2024,24, 2506-2517

Dielectrophoretic characterization and selection of non-spherical flagellate algae in parallel channels with right-angle bipolar electrodes

X. Chen, S. Liu, M. Shen, J. Shi, C. Wu, Z. Song and Y. Zhao, Lab Chip, 2024, 24, 2506 DOI: 10.1039/D4LC00165F

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