Issue 6, 2024

Oscillating high aspect ratio micro-channels can effectively atomize liquids into uniform aerosol droplets and dial their size on-demand


Ultrasonic atomization of liquids into micrometer-diameter droplets is crucial across multiple fields, ranging from drug delivery, to spectrometry and printing. Controlling the size and uniformity of the generated droplets on-demand is crucial in all these applications. However, existing systems lack the required precision to tune the droplet properties, and the underlying droplet formation mechanism under high-frequency ultrasonic actuation remains poorly understood due to experimental constraints. Here, we present an atomization platform, which overcomes these current limitations. Our device utilizes oscillating high aspect ratio micro-channels to extract liquids from various inlets (ranging from sessile droplets to large beakers), bound them in a precisely defined narrow region, and, controllably atomize them on-demand. The droplet size can be precisely dialled from 3.6 μm to 6.8 μm by simply tuning the actuation parameters. Since the approach does not need nozzles, meshes or impacting jets, stresses exerted on the liquid samples are reduced, hence it is gentler on delicate samples. The precision offered by the technique allows us for the first time to experimentally visualise the oscillating fluid interface at the onset of atomization at MHz frequencies, and demonstrate its applications for targeted respiratory drug delivery.

Graphical abstract: Oscillating high aspect ratio micro-channels can effectively atomize liquids into uniform aerosol droplets and dial their size on-demand

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Article information

Article type
26 Sep 2023
11 Dec 2023
First published
18 Jan 2024

Lab Chip, 2024,24, 1676-1684

Oscillating high aspect ratio micro-channels can effectively atomize liquids into uniform aerosol droplets and dial their size on-demand

N. H. A. Le, J. Brenker, A. Shenoda, Z. Sheikh, J. Gum, H. X. Ong, D. Traini and T. Alan, Lab Chip, 2024, 24, 1676 DOI: 10.1039/D3LC00816A

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