Issue 11, 2024

Ce-doping induces rapid electron transfer in a bimetallic phosphide heterostructure to achieve efficient hydrogen production


Using electrochemical water splitting to generate hydrogen is considered a desirable approach, which is greatly impeded by the sluggish dissociation of H2O and adsorption and desorption of H*. Effective hydrogen production can be achieved by speeding up the chemical process with a suitable electrocatalyst. In this work, we designed and synthesized a rare earth element cerium (Ce) regulated iron–nickel bimetallic phosphide Ce-NiFeP@NF (here NiFeP represents Fe2P/NiP2) nanoarray with nanoflowers. For the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), Ce-NiFeP@NF only needs an overpotential of 106 mV to provide a current density of 10 mA cm−2, compared to NiFeP@NF (175 mV@10 mA cm−2). This self-supported electrocatalyst Ce-NiFeP@NF with a composite morphology exhibits excellent performance in the HER. Specifically, the introduction of Ce promotes the electron transfer process at the Fe2P/NiP2 heterojunction interface and the Ce-NiFeP@NF nanocomposite structure with nanoflowers has a larger electrochemically active specific surface area, which is more conducive to improving the intrinsic catalytic activity. Also, a dual-electrode alkaline electrolytic cell (Ce-NiFeP@NF functions as both the anode and the cathode) operates with a cell voltage of only 1.56 V to achieve a current density of 10 mA cm−2. The synergistic effect of rare earth element doping and heterojunction engineering can improve the morphology of intrinsic catalysts to achieve more efficient electrochemical water splitting for hydrogen production.

Graphical abstract: Ce-doping induces rapid electron transfer in a bimetallic phosphide heterostructure to achieve efficient hydrogen production

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Article information

Article type
15 Nov 2023
16 Feb 2024
First published
20 Feb 2024

Dalton Trans., 2024,53, 5241-5248

Ce-doping induces rapid electron transfer in a bimetallic phosphide heterostructure to achieve efficient hydrogen production

M. Wang, Z. Liu, S. Guo, W. Liu, C. Ji, L. Wang and D. Yao, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 5241 DOI: 10.1039/D3DT03824F

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