Issue 18, 2024

Strong effect-correlated electrochemical CO2 reduction


Electrochemical CO2 reduction (ECR) holds great potential to alleviate the greenhouse effect and our dependence on fossil fuels by integrating renewable energy for the electrosynthesis of high-value fuels from CO2. However, the high thermodynamic energy barrier, sluggish reaction kinetics, inadequate CO2 conversion rate, poor selectivity for the target product, and rapid electrocatalyst degradation severely limit its further industrial-scale application. Although numerous strategies have been proposed to enhance ECR performances from various perspectives, scattered studies fail to comprehensively elucidate the underlying effect-performance relationships toward ECR. Thus, this review presents a comparative summary and a deep discussion with respect to the effects strongly-correlated with ECR, including intrinsic effects of materials caused by various sizes, shapes, compositions, defects, interfaces, and ligands; structure-induced effects derived from diverse confinements, strains, and fields; electrolyte effects introduced by different solutes, solvents, cations, and anions; and environment effects induced by distinct ionomers, pressures, temperatures, gas impurities, and flow rates, with an emphasis on elaborating how these effects shape ECR electrocatalytic activities and selectivity and the underlying mechanisms. In addition, the challenges and prospects behind different effects resulting from various factors are suggested to inspire more attention towards high-throughput theoretical calculations and in situ/operando techniques to unlock the essence of enhanced ECR performance and realize its ultimate application.

Graphical abstract: Strong effect-correlated electrochemical CO2 reduction

Article information

Article type
Review Article
26 May 2024
First published
20 Aug 2024

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2024,53, 9344-9377

Strong effect-correlated electrochemical CO2 reduction

Y. Tang, L. Liu, M. Yu, S. Liu, P. Sui, W. Sun, X. Fu, J. Luo and S. Liu, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2024, 53, 9344 DOI: 10.1039/D4CS00229F

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