Issue 41, 2024

Construction, structures, and magnetic studies of two cobalt(ii) and nickel(ii) coordination polymers displaying bex topology


The synthesis, structures, adsorption, and magnetic properties of two two-dimensional (2D) coordination polymers, [M(btca)1/2(bpe)1/2(H2O)2]n (M = Ni2+ (1) and Co2+ (2); H4btca = 1,2,4,5-benzenetetracarboxylic acid; bpe = 1,2-di(4-pyridyl)ethane) constructed by mixed bipyridyl–tetracarboxylate ligands were reported. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies reveal the 3D hydrogen-bonded networks sustained by O–H⋯O H bonds between the 2D layers. The 2D structure topology of the compounds is a new {4.6·2}2{4·2.6·2.8·2} bex topology while the 3D framework is different because of the distinct H bond interactions. Both compounds exhibit high thermal stability above 150 °C. N2 adsorption measurements reveal that both compounds are non-porous structures, while compound 1 exhibits CO2 adsorption, possibly due to structural expansion after CO2 accommodation. Magnetic investigations indicated that framework 2 exhibits field-induced slow magnetic relaxation due to the large magnetic anisotropy of Co2+ ions (zero-field splitting parameter D = 42.1 cm−1), while framework 1 shows simple paramagnetism with a small D of −11.3 cm−1. This work not only provides two new coordination polymers but also a potential bipyridyl–tetracarboxylate approach for the design and construction of single-ion magnet (SIM) frameworks.

Graphical abstract: Construction, structures, and magnetic studies of two cobalt(ii) and nickel(ii) coordination polymers displaying bex topology

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
13 Sep 2024
25 Sep 2024
First published
25 Sep 2024

CrystEngComm, 2024,26, 5850-5858

Construction, structures, and magnetic studies of two cobalt(II) and nickel(II) coordination polymers displaying bex topology

S. Wu, Z. Ruan, Z. Tian, L. Shi, J. Yang and D. Shao, CrystEngComm, 2024, 26, 5850 DOI: 10.1039/D4CE00935E

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