CO2-Based micro-respirometry for measuring bacterial load under aerobic and anaerobic conditions


The bacterial load (BL), or total viable count, of aerobes can be measured using micro-respirometry, %O2-μR, in which the consumption of dissolved O2 is monitored with respect to incubation time, t. In %O2-μR the ‘bioreactor’ often comprises a canonical plastic tube with a small %O2 sensor; it is simple, fast and accurate and used in automated, commercial instruments for measuring BL. Here we show that it is also possible to measure BL using a new form of micro-respirometry, %CO2-μR, in which the production of CO2 in the growth medium is monitored. In %CO2-μR, the ‘bioreactor’ is the same as that used in %O2-μR, but with a small 3D printed, colour-based %CO2 indicator set in its base and its apparent absorbance, A′, is measured at any t, as it is related to the %CO2 dissolved in the inoculated growth medium. Under aerobic conditions, different inoculations of the facultative anaerobe, E. coli, of different concentrations (101–108 colony forming units (CFU) per mL) are used to generate a series of Avs. t profiles, and a straight-line calibration curve. Statistical comparative analysis of the results generated in the above %CO2-μR study, to those generated for the same system but using a commercial %O2-μR system, is used to demonstrate method equivalence. A study of the same system, under anaerobic conditions, using %CO2-μR, shows that %CO2-μR is suitable for measuring the BL of anaerobes. The potential of %CO2-μR for measuring the bacterial load of CO2-generating aerobes and anaerobes is discussed briefly.

Graphical abstract: CO2-Based micro-respirometry for measuring bacterial load under aerobic and anaerobic conditions

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24 Jul 2024
24 Sep 2024
First published
25 Sep 2024
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Creative Commons BY license

Analyst, 2024, Advance Article

CO2-Based micro-respirometry for measuring bacterial load under aerobic and anaerobic conditions

L. McDonnell, D. Yusufu and A. Mills, Analyst, 2024, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4AN01016G

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