Issue 45, 2023

Highly effective bifunctional defective cobalt phthalocyanine for photo-involved lithium-oxygen batteries


Lithium-oxygen batteries (LOBs) have become efficient energy storage devices. However, the discharge product (Li2O2) results in a large overpotential in the charge and discharge process, which hinders the application of LOBs. Herein, carbon nanotube-supported defective polymerized cobalt phthalocyanine composite was prepared by hydrothermal method and used as a cathode in photo-involved LOBs. The introduction of irregular structural defects not only facilitates the diffusion of O2 and Li+ but also accelerates the separation of photoelectrons and holes. Under light irradiation, the discharge potential is promoted to 3.30 V and the charge potential is reduced to 3.40 V at 0.05 mA cm−2, resulting in a high energy efficiency of 97.1%. Meanwhile, the complete decomposition of sheet Li2O2 is realized in the charge process, so that the battery polarization remained unchanged after more than 65 h of cycling. This study provides an effective reference for subsequent application of metal–organic materials in metal-air batteries as a photoelectric-cathode.

Graphical abstract: Highly effective bifunctional defective cobalt phthalocyanine for photo-involved lithium-oxygen batteries

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Article information

Article type
22 Aug 2023
27 Oct 2023
First published
09 Nov 2023

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023,11, 24918-24927

Highly effective bifunctional defective cobalt phthalocyanine for photo-involved lithium-oxygen batteries

Y. Xia, X. Yu, Y. Xu, X. Fan, B. Gao, C. Jiang, M. Zhang, X. Huang, H. Gong, J. He and T. Wang, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023, 11, 24918 DOI: 10.1039/D3TA05032G

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