Issue 35, 2023

Superhalogen modulation: an effective approach for minimizing light-induced halide segregation in MAPb(I0.7Br0.3)3


Significant reduction of light-induced halide segregation in organic–inorganic lead mixed-halide perovskites is essential for their implementation in tandem solar cells with existing silicon technology. Here, we address this challenge by a “One-stone-for-two-birds” strategy in which superhalogen anions of the molecular additive facilitate the reduction of halide defects and cations of the molecular additive play a role as a “controller” in the crystallization kinetics. We elucidate the mechanism by which BF4 substitution reduces light-induced phase segregation with different concentrations of BF4 at room temperature. From the bleach growth kinetics and segregation rate constant, we identify that 0.8% molar BF4 substitution in MAPbI2.1Br0.9 results in minimum segregation, and thermodynamic arguments successfully explain the phenomena. Other experimental results, such as X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence under illumination, support our observation with assistance from stochastic simulation results for light-induced halide segregation dynamics. Consequently, the improved photovoltaic performance and enhanced photostability corroborate that suppressed halide segregation impacts device performance.

Graphical abstract: Superhalogen modulation: an effective approach for minimizing light-induced halide segregation in MAPb(I0.7Br0.3)3

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Article information

Article type
16 Jul 2023
16 Aug 2023
First published
17 Aug 2023

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023,11, 19004-19016

Superhalogen modulation: an effective approach for minimizing light-induced halide segregation in MAPb(I0.7Br0.3)3

P. Nandi, H. Park, S. Shin, A. S. Sharbirin, J. Kim, S. J. Kwon, N. Park and H. Shin, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023, 11, 19004 DOI: 10.1039/D3TA04201D

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