Issue 16, 2023

Rational strategy to enhance the thermal stability of solar cell performance using a photocrosslinkable conjugated polymer


In addition to the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of polymer solar cells (PSCs), long-term stability is a critical requirement. In this study, a crosslinkable PM6-based polymer donor, PM6-X30, was developed by introducing photocrosslinkable side chains into the PM6 polymer backbone. The new PM6-X30 retained the fundamental properties of the high-performance PM6 backbone. The crosslinking reaction was induced under the mild condition of UV 365 nm irradiation for 10 min, forming a stable polymer network to lock the internal morphology of the active layer. The PSC fabricated with the crosslinked PM6-X30:Y6-BO active layer exhibited a high PCE of 12.33%. Subsequently, this device sustained more than 80% of its original PCE after thermal aging at 80 °C for 180 min, while the non-crosslinked device and the reference device based on PM6-X0 could only retain 27.7 and 42.9% of their PCE, respectively, under the same aging conditions. This work demonstrates a promising strategy for boosting the long-term stability of high-performance PSCs, even at a slight sacrifice of the maximum PCE.

Graphical abstract: Rational strategy to enhance the thermal stability of solar cell performance using a photocrosslinkable conjugated polymer

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Article information

Article type
14 Feb 2023
27 Mar 2023
First published
31 Mar 2023

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023,11, 8719-8729

Rational strategy to enhance the thermal stability of solar cell performance using a photocrosslinkable conjugated polymer

H. D. Chau, S. H. Park, S. H. Jung, J. Y. Park, M. J. Kang, A. K. Harit, H. Y. Woo, M. J. Cho and D. H. Choi, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023, 11, 8719 DOI: 10.1039/D3TA00872J

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