Issue 18, 2023

Mechanistic understanding of lithium-anode protection by organosulfide-based solid-electrolyte interphases and its implications


Maximizing the energy density of Li-based batteries to power our future is predicated on the use of Li-metal as the anode. To improve the longevity of the Li anode, it is critical to regulate the electrolyte–Li metal interface through the solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI). Organopolysulfides have been shown to form favorable SEIs but the mechanism of Li protection is poorly understood. In this work, we first elucidate how the organic thiolate-rich SEI homogenizes Li flux and enables uniform Li deposition. We then utilize methyl, phenyl, and allyl-based polysulfides as model compounds to investigate the effect of the functional groups on the electrodeposition of Li. It is found that aliphatic, conjugated functional groups promote the formation of thiolates, can form polymeric, flexible SEI, provide oxidative stability, and effectively incorporate inorganic phases, thus forming a robust SEI. Diallyl polysulfide is used as a model compound to demonstrate that the improved cycling of the Li-metal anode can prolong the life of Li‖LiFePO4 coin cells as well as Li‖S and anode-free Ni‖Li2S pouch cells when cycled with realistic cell-assembly parameters. This work provides guidelines for the design of future organosulfur materials that could enable long-lasting Li-metal batteries.

Graphical abstract: Mechanistic understanding of lithium-anode protection by organosulfide-based solid-electrolyte interphases and its implications

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Article information

Article type
23 Jan 2023
20 Apr 2023
First published
20 Apr 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023,11, 9772-9783

Mechanistic understanding of lithium-anode protection by organosulfide-based solid-electrolyte interphases and its implications

A. Bhargav, H. Y. Asl and A. Manthiram, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023, 11, 9772 DOI: 10.1039/D3TA00417A

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