Issue 40, 2023

Rheological behavior of xanthan gum suspensions with Fe-based nanoparticles: the effect of nanoparticles and the mechanism


The rheological behavior of a xanthan gum (XG) suspension with Fe-based nanoparticles (Fe-NPs), e.g., nanoparticles of zerovalent iron (nZVI) and Fe3O4 (nFe3O4), needs to be understood for better injection of Fe-NPs for groundwater remediation. In this study, the rheological behavior of a XG suspension of nZVI and nFe3O4 was investigated at different particle concentrations. The Ostwald, Sisko, Williamson, and Cross models were employed to fit the rheological behavior of the suspensions for quantitatively describing the effect of the particles. The results showed that the viscosity of the XG solutions decreased with increasing particle concentrations and they maintained shear thinning properties. The Cross model was the best among the four models to describe the shear thinning behavior of the XG solution in the presence of the particles. According to Cross model analysis, increasing particle concentrations increased the degree of shear thinning behavior, as indicated by the increase of the power index (n). Also, the relaxation time (λ) decreased with increasing particle concentrations, which indicated an increase of molecule movement of XG. Compared with nFe3O4, nZVI resulted in a larger decrease in viscosity and a larger increase in the degree of shear thinning behavior. There was a good linear relation between n and λ for the suspensions (R2 = 0.85), which indicated that increasing molecule movement of XG was an important mechanism for the particles to intensify the shear thinning rheological behavior of the XG suspension of Fe-NPs. This study added insight into the knowledge of the rheological properties of the XG suspension of Fe-NPs, which is of importance for the field injection effort.

Graphical abstract: Rheological behavior of xanthan gum suspensions with Fe-based nanoparticles: the effect of nanoparticles and the mechanism

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Article information

Article type
13 Jun 2023
27 Sep 2023
First published
28 Sep 2023

Soft Matter, 2023,19, 7684-7690

Rheological behavior of xanthan gum suspensions with Fe-based nanoparticles: the effect of nanoparticles and the mechanism

W. Zhan, H. Zhong, G. Liu and X. Liu, Soft Matter, 2023, 19, 7684 DOI: 10.1039/D3SM00769C

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