Issue 7, 2023

Bona fide stochastic resonance under nonGaussian active fluctuations


We report on the experimental observation of stochastic resonance (SR) in a nonGaussian active bath without any periodic modulation. A Brownian particle hopping in a nanoscale double-well potential under the influence of nonGaussian correlated noise, with mean interval τP and correlation time τc, shows a series of equally-spaced peaks in the residence time distribution at integral multiples of τP. The strength of the first peak is found to be maximum when the mean residence time [small tau, Greek, macron]d matches the double condition, 4τcτP[small tau, Greek, macron]d/2, demonstrating a new type of bona fide SR. The experimental findings agree with a simple model that explains the emergence of SR without periodic modulation of the double-well potential. Additionally, we show that generic SR under periodic modulation, known to degrade in strongly correlated continuous noise, is recovered by the discrete nonGaussian kicks.

Graphical abstract: Bona fide stochastic resonance under nonGaussian active fluctuations

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Article information

Article type
04 Nov 2022
20 Jan 2023
First published
20 Jan 2023

Soft Matter, 2023,19, 1356-1362

Bona fide stochastic resonance under nonGaussian active fluctuations

G. Paneru, T. Tlusty and H. K. Pak, Soft Matter, 2023, 19, 1356 DOI: 10.1039/D2SM01449A

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