Issue 27, 2023

Azacrown-calixpyrrole isosteres: receptors and sensors for anions


Calix[4]pyrroles (CPs) and polyammonium azacrowns (ACs) are well-known receptors for anions. CPs bind anions by directional hydrogen bonds that do not always work well for aqueous analytes. The positive charge in polyammonium ACs allows for a stronger but non-directional anion-ammonium electrostatic attraction but lack selectivity. Bridging the gap between CPs and ACs could increase affinity and potentially preserve the selectivity of anion binding. We have synthesized a flexible calixpyrrole-azacrown near isosteric receptor and incorporated an environmentally sensitive dansyl fluorophore to enable fluorescence measurements. Anion binding was evaluated using NMR and fluorescence titrations. The isosteric receptor shows a strong affinity for aqueous phosphates and phosphonates (Na+ salts) in the order HAsO42− > H2PO4 > H2P2O72− > glyphosate2− > AMP > methylphosphonate ≫ ADP2− or ATP3− but does not bind halides. This is in stark contrast to CP which shows a strong preference for halides over oxyanions. The anion binding by the new receptor was accompanied by analyte-specific changes in fluorescence intensity and spectral width and by a wavelength shift. These parameters were used in qualitative and quantitative sensing of aqueous anions. By applying machine-learning algorithms, such as linear discriminant analysis and support vector machine linear regression, this one sensor can differentiate between 10 different analytes and accurately quantify herbicide glyphosate and methylphosphonate, a product of sarin, soman or cyclosarin hydrolysis. In fact, glyphosate can be quantified even in the presence of competing anions such as orthophosphate (LODs were ≤ 1 μM).

Graphical abstract: Azacrown-calixpyrrole isosteres: receptors and sensors for anions

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
14 Apr 2023
14 Jun 2023
First published
15 Jun 2023
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 7545-7552

Azacrown-calixpyrrole isosteres: receptors and sensors for anions

A. R. Sartori, A. Radujević, S. M. George and P. Anzenbacher, Chem. Sci., 2023, 14, 7545 DOI: 10.1039/D3SC01970E

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