Issue 6, 2023

Hydrophobic nanoporous carbon scaffolds reveal the origin of polarity-dependent electrocapillary imbibition


An engineered nanoporous carbon scaffold (NCS) consisting of a 3-D interconnected 85 nm nanopore network was used here as a model material to investigate the nanoscale transport of liquids as a function of the polarity and magnitude of an applied potential (‘electro-imbibition’), all in 1 M KCl solution. A camera was used to track both meniscus formation and meniscus jump, front motion dynamics, and droplet expulsion, while also quantifying the electrocapillary imbibition height (H) as a function of the applied potential of the NCS material. Although no imbibition was seen over a wide range of potentials, at positive potentials (+1.2 V vs. the potential of zero charge (pzc)), imbibition was correlated with carbon surface electro-oxidation, as confirmed by both electrochemistry and post-imbibition surface analysis, with gas evolution (O2, CO2) seen visually only after imbibition was well underway. At negative potentials, vigorous hydrogen evolution reaction was observed at the NCS/KCl solution interface, well before imbibition began at −0.5 Vpzc, proposed to be nucleated by an electrical double layer charging-driven meniscus jump, followed by processes such as Marangoni flow, adsorption induced deformation, and hydrogen pressure driven flow. This study improves the understanding of electrocapillary imbibition at the nanoscale, being highly relevant in a wide range of multidisciplinary practical applications, including in energy storage and conversion devices, energy-efficient desalination, and electrical-integrated nanofluidics design.

Graphical abstract: Hydrophobic nanoporous carbon scaffolds reveal the origin of polarity-dependent electrocapillary imbibition

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Article type
Edge Article
14 Oct 2022
26 Nov 2022
First published
23 Dec 2022
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 1372-1385

Hydrophobic nanoporous carbon scaffolds reveal the origin of polarity-dependent electrocapillary imbibition

B. Pan, M. O. Valappil, R. Rateick, C. R. Clarkson, X. Tong, C. Debuhr, A. Ghanizadeh and V. I. Birss, Chem. Sci., 2023, 14, 1372 DOI: 10.1039/D2SC05705K

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