Issue 27, 2023

Recent trends in macromolecule-conjugated hybrid quantum dots for cancer theranostic applications


Quantum dots (QDs) are small nanoparticles with semiconductor properties ranging from 2 to 10 nanometers comprising 10–50 atoms. The single wavelength excitation character of QDs makes it more significant, as it can excite multiple particles in a confined surface simultaneously by narrow emission. QDs are more photostable than traditional organic dyes; however, when injected into tissues, whole animals, or ionic solutions, there is a significant loss of fluorescence. HQD-based probes conjugated with cancer-specific ligands, antibodies, or peptides are used in clinical diagnosis. It is more precise and reliable than standard immunohistochemistry (IHC) at minimal protein expression levels. Advanced clinical studies use photodynamic therapy (PDT) with fluorescence imaging to effectively identify and treat cancer. Recent studies revealed that a combination of unique characteristics of QDs, including their fluorescence capacity and abnormal expression of miRNA in cancer cells, were used for the detection and monitoring progression of cancer. In this review, we have highlighted the unique properties of QDs and the theranostic behavior of various macromolecule-conjugated HQDs leading to cancer treatment.

Graphical abstract: Recent trends in macromolecule-conjugated hybrid quantum dots for cancer theranostic applications

Article information

Article type
Review Article
22 Apr 2023
02 Jun 2023
First published
20 Jun 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

RSC Adv., 2023,13, 18760-18774

Recent trends in macromolecule-conjugated hybrid quantum dots for cancer theranostic applications

L. K. Boopathy, T. Gopal, A. Roy, R. R. Kalari Kandy and M. K. Arumugam, RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 18760 DOI: 10.1039/D3RA02673F

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