Issue 37, 2023

Regio- and stereocontrolled synthesis of borylated E-enynes, Z-enediynes and derivatives from alkenyl-1,2-bis-(boronates)


An efficient stereo-controlled synthesis of enyne and enediyne derivatives, via sequential Suzuki–Miyaura coupling reactions from easily prepared 1-alkene-1,2-diboronic esters and alkynyl bromides, is reported. The resulting enyne boronic esters were subjected to Borono–Mannich and Suzuki coupling reactions independently to obtain α,β-unsaturated aminoester and tri-substituted olefin derivatives, respectively. Additionally, divergent syntheses of triazole and cyclopropylboronate derivatives are also reported.

Graphical abstract: Regio- and stereocontrolled synthesis of borylated E-enynes, Z-enediynes and derivatives from alkenyl-1,2-bis-(boronates)

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Article information

Article type
07 Apr 2023
30 Aug 2023
First published
30 Aug 2023

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2023,21, 7567-7571

Regio- and stereocontrolled synthesis of borylated E-enynes, Z-enediynes and derivatives from alkenyl-1,2-bis-(boronates)

M. Ratanlal, J. Vankudoth, G. V. M. Sharma, M. A. Mali, B. Carboni, F. Berrée and S. Ghosh, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2023, 21, 7567 DOI: 10.1039/D3OB00543G

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