Issue 34, 2023

Phonon mechanism of angle-dependent superlubricity between black phosphorus layers


Based on a combination of molecular dynamics simulations and quantum theories, this study discloses the phonon mechanism of angle-dependent superlubricity between black phosphorus layers. Friction exhibits 180° periodicity, i.e., the highest friction at 0° and 180° and lowest at 90°. Thermal excitation reduces friction at 0° due to thermal lubrication. However, at 90°, high temperature increases friction caused by thermal collision owing to lower interfacial constraints. Phonon spectra reveal that with 0°, energy dissipation channels can be formed at the interface, thus enhancing dissipation efficiency, while the energy dissipation channels are destroyed, thus hindering frictional dissipation at 90°. Besides, for both commensurate and incommensurate cases, more phonons are excited on atoms adjacent to the contact interface than those excited from nonadjacent interface atoms.

Graphical abstract: Phonon mechanism of angle-dependent superlubricity between black phosphorus layers

Article information

Article type
22 Apr 2023
02 Aug 2023
First published
15 Aug 2023

Nanoscale, 2023,15, 14122-14130

Phonon mechanism of angle-dependent superlubricity between black phosphorus layers

Y. Dong, W. Hui, Z. Rui, Y. Ding, F. Lian and Y. Tao, Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 14122 DOI: 10.1039/D3NR01867A

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