Issue 28, 2023

Modifying a D–A–π–A–D HTM system for higher hole mobility by the meta-substitution strategy to weaken the electron-donating ability of the donor unit: a DFT study


Tuning the electron-donating ability (EDA) of the donor units of hole transporting materials (HTMs) is an efficient strategy to modulate the optoelectronic properties of HTMs. Based on this strategy, we first theoretically investigated the effects of the EDA of donor units on D–A–π–A–D architectural HTMs. The results show that the enhanced EDA of the donor unit leads to larger hole reorganization energy and poorer molecular stability of HTMs. In contrast, meta-substitution of side groups is an effective strategy to reduce the EDA of the donor unit. We found that the application of the meta-substitution strategy in the D–A–π–A–D system not only successfully improves the molecular stability, but also achieves higher hole mobility by promoting the electronic coupling between the molecular dimers and decreasing the hole reorganization energies simultaneously. Studies on interfacial properties indicate that intermolecular coupling also synergistically enhances the interfacial charge extraction performance and reduces carrier recombination. In conclusion, by utilizing the meta-substitution strategy to reduce the EDA of donor units on D–A–π–A–D architectural HTMs, we successfully designed four superior performance HTMs mD1, mD2, mD3, and mD4.

Graphical abstract: Modifying a D–A–π–A–D HTM system for higher hole mobility by the meta-substitution strategy to weaken the electron-donating ability of the donor unit: a DFT study

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Article information

Article type
25 Mar 2023
16 May 2023
First published
16 May 2023

Nanoscale, 2023,15, 12048-12063

Modifying a D–A–π–A–D HTM system for higher hole mobility by the meta-substitution strategy to weaken the electron-donating ability of the donor unit: a DFT study

K. Wang, Q. Wang, C. Hu, Y. Cheng, G. Ji and X. Chen, Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 12048 DOI: 10.1039/D3NR01390A

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