Issue 6, 2023

Examining the effect of the crown ether, 18-crown-6, on lysozyme fibrillation


Proteins can form amyloid fibrils that are the cause of various degenerative diseases. In this work, we have investigated the potential of a crown ether, 18-crown-6, to arrest fibrillation in lysozyme. Initially, the kinetics of fibrillation were monitored using a Thioflavin T fluorescence assay. This assay revealed that the crown ether suppressed the fibrillation of lysozyme, which was reaffirmed by the absorbance in a Congo red assay. A Nile red fluorescence assay, an ANS binding assay, intrinsic fluorescence studies and steady-state fluorescence anisotropy also provided evidence that fibrillogenesis was inhibited by the crown ether. The formation of amyloid fibrils is characterized by the formation of β-sheet rich structures. Far-UV circular dichroism experiments revealed that the β-sheet content of the protein enhanced upon fibrillation but upon treatment with the crown ether there was a decrease in the total β-sheet content, which again testified the ability of 18-crown-6 to arrest fibrillogenesis. Atomic force microscopy imaging also suggested that the crown ether arrested lysozyme fibrillation. These results can be utilized for developing more effective anti-amyloidogenic agents.

Graphical abstract: Examining the effect of the crown ether, 18-crown-6, on lysozyme fibrillation

Article information

Article type
01 Dec 2022
05 Jan 2023
First published
06 Jan 2023

New J. Chem., 2023,47, 2924-2931

Examining the effect of the crown ether, 18-crown-6, on lysozyme fibrillation

A. Basu, New J. Chem., 2023, 47, 2924 DOI: 10.1039/D2NJ05900B

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