Issue 8, 2023

Hydrogen evolution performance of Co-MOF/H-g-C3N4 composite catalysts with different morphologies under visible light


The importance of photocatalytic hydrogen evolution is increasing in energy research and environmental catalysis. Co-MOF, a metal–organic framework compound with a zeolite topological structure, has the advantage of being a semiconductor in photocatalytic applications. The new composite materials constructed by coupling Co-MOF with traditional semiconductors will significantly stimulate the potential of photocatalysis due to the construction of a heterogeneous interface. We accurately controlled the growth of Co-MOF with different morphologies by adjusting the ratio of raw materials. With the increase of dimethylimidazole, hexagonal prism morphology (Co-MOF-H), leaf morphology (Co-MOF-B), and Daisy morphology (Co-MOF-D) were successively synthesized. The experimental results show that H-g-C3N4 has the best catalytic activity when adsorbing hexagonal prism Co-MOF. When the ratio of H-g-C3N4 reached 125 mg, the optimal hydrogen evolution activity reached 1033 μmol g−1 h−1. Various characterization methods were used to explain the influence of morphology regulation on the hydrogen evolution ability of Co-MOF and explore the mechanism of hydrogen evolution of Co-MOF/H-g-C3N4 composite catalysts.

Graphical abstract: Hydrogen evolution performance of Co-MOF/H-g-C3N4 composite catalysts with different morphologies under visible light

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
01 Nov 2022
08 Jan 2023
First published
09 Jan 2023

New J. Chem., 2023,47, 3703-3713

Hydrogen evolution performance of Co-MOF/H-g-C3N4 composite catalysts with different morphologies under visible light

Z. Liu, J. Xu, T. Xue, X. Liu, S. Xu and Z. Li, New J. Chem., 2023, 47, 3703 DOI: 10.1039/D2NJ05353E

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