Issue 47, 2023

Relativistic coupled-cluster calculations of RaOH pertinent to spectroscopic detection and laser cooling


A relativistic coupled-cluster study of the low-lying electronic states in the radium monohydroxide molecule (RaOH), a radioactive polyatomic molecule of interest to laser cooling and to the search of new physics beyond the Standard Model, is reported. The level positions of the A2Π1/2 and C2Σ states have been computed with an accuracy of around 200 cm−1 to facilitate spectroscopic observation of RaOH using laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy, thereby exploiting the systematic convergence of electron-correlation and basis-set effects in relativistic coupled-cluster calculations. The energy level for the B2Δ3/2 state has also been calculated accurately to conclude that the B2Δ3/2 state lies above the A2Π1/2 state. This confirms X2Σ ↔ A2Π1/2 as a promising optical cycling transition for laser cooling RaOH.

Graphical abstract: Relativistic coupled-cluster calculations of RaOH pertinent to spectroscopic detection and laser cooling

Article information

Article type
23 Aug 2023
17 Nov 2023
First published
24 Nov 2023

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023,25, 32613-32621

Author version available

Relativistic coupled-cluster calculations of RaOH pertinent to spectroscopic detection and laser cooling

C. Zhang, P. Yu, C. J. Conn, N. R. Hutzler and L. Cheng, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023, 25, 32613 DOI: 10.1039/D3CP04040B

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