Issue 35, 2023

The formation mechanism of the precursor film in high temperature molten metal systems: insight into structural disjoining pressure


A precursor film is a unique microfluidic entity that arises at the liquid/solid interface. The formation mechanism of this entity in high-temperature systems is yet to be explained, mainly due to the limitations posed by the increased reaction at the solid/liquid interface. In this study, we investigate the formation process of the precursor film in high-temperature molten metal systems (Ag/Ni, Au/Ni, and Cu/Ni) using molecular dynamics simulations. The alloying energies for different alloying pairs were determined to extract the excess energy, which was found to be distributed from the interface to the upper liquid. The pattern of this energy distribution determines the shape of the near-surface liquid, including the precursor film. This relationship is further reflected by the structural disjoining pressure, which is the excess pressure exerted by the ordered microstructures within the wedge-shaped area of the droplet. Strong nonlinearity has been found in the structural disjoining pressure of Ag/Ni and Au/Ni systems, which is considered to be the main reason for the formation of the precursor film. The fluctuation of the dissolution rate is also reflected in the disjoining pressure, and the inhibition of dissolution on the precursor film formation is phenomenally clarified.

Graphical abstract: The formation mechanism of the precursor film in high temperature molten metal systems: insight into structural disjoining pressure

Article information

Article type
13 May 2023
15 Aug 2023
First published
17 Aug 2023

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023,25, 23909-23922

The formation mechanism of the precursor film in high temperature molten metal systems: insight into structural disjoining pressure

Y. Zhao, M. Shibahara, X. Fan, W. Zhang, C. Liu and J. Li, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023, 25, 23909 DOI: 10.1039/D3CP02192K

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