Issue 29, 2023

Stability and activity of titanium oxynitride thin films for the electrocatalytic reduction of nitrogen to ammonia at different pH values


The production of ammonia for agricultural and energy demands has accelerated research for more environmentally-friendly synthesis options, particularly the electrocatalytic reduction of molecular nitrogen (nitrogen reduction reaction, NRR). Catalyst activity for NRR, and selectivity for NRR over the competitive hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), are critical issues for which fundamental knowledge remains scarce. Herein, we present results regarding the NRR activity and selectivity of sputter-deposited titanium nitride and titanium oxynitride films for NRR and HER. Electrochemical, fluorescence and UV absorption measurements show that titanium oxynitride exhibits NRR activity under acidic conditions (pH 1.6, 3.2) but is inactive at pH 7. Ti oxynitride is HER inactive at all these pH values. In contrast, TiN – with no oxygen content upon deposition – is both NRR and HER inactive at all the above pH values. This difference in oxynitride/nitride reactivity is observed despite the fact that both films exhibit very similar surface chemical compositions – predominantly TiIV oxide – upon exposure to ambient, as determined by ex situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). XPS, with in situ transfer between electrochemical and UHV environments, however, demonstrates that this TiIV oxide top layer is unstable under acidic conditions, but stable at pH 7, explaining the inactivity of titanium oxynitride at this pH. The inactivity of TiN at acidic and neutral pH is explained by DFT-based calculations showing that N2 adsorption at N-ligated Ti centers is energetically significantly less favorable than at O-ligated centers. These calculations also predict that N2 will not bind to TiIV centers due to a lack of π-backbonding. Ex situ XPS measurements and electrochemical probe measurements at pH 3.2 demonstrate that Ti oxynitride films undergo gradual dissolution under NRR conditions. The present results demonstrate that the long-term catalyst stability and maintenance of metal cations in intermediate oxidation states for pi-backbonding are critical issues worthy of further examination.

Graphical abstract: Stability and activity of titanium oxynitride thin films for the electrocatalytic reduction of nitrogen to ammonia at different pH values

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
23 Mar 2023
26 Jun 2023
First published
27 Jun 2023

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023,25, 19540-19552

Author version available

Stability and activity of titanium oxynitride thin films for the electrocatalytic reduction of nitrogen to ammonia at different pH values

P. Chukwunenye, A. Ganesan, M. Gharaee, K. Balogun, Q. Adesope, S. C. Amagbor, T. D. Golden, F. D’Souza, T. R. Cundari and J. A. Kelber, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023, 25, 19540 DOI: 10.1039/D3CP01330H

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