Issue 47, 2023

A linear CH+–NO3 base pair motif promoted by AgNO3 mediated proton transfer between guanosine and cytidine


Metallo-base pairs are of immense interest. However, uncertainties remain regarding Ag+–nucleic acid component interactions. Instead of a coordinated polymer [C–Ag][NO3] (1) embedded with Ag+ nanowires in an aqueous C/AgNO3 system, a novel base paired ionic crystal CH+–NO3 (2) was formed in a complex hydrogel system comprising guanosine (G), cytidine (C) and AgNO3. The static structural characteristics and underlying coupled reaction mechanisms driving the proton transfer between the G and C in this multi-component system were characterized. This information will be valuable in the context of bio-inorganic chemistry involving G- and C-rich genomic sequences.

Graphical abstract: A linear CH+–NO3− base pair motif promoted by AgNO3 mediated proton transfer between guanosine and cytidine

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
15 Sep 2023
31 Oct 2023
First published
01 Nov 2023

CrystEngComm, 2023,25, 6549-6555

A linear CH+–NO3 base pair motif promoted by AgNO3 mediated proton transfer between guanosine and cytidine

Q. Wu, Y. Chai, R. Huang, H. Chen and Y. He, CrystEngComm, 2023, 25, 6549 DOI: 10.1039/D3CE00916E

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