Issue 31, 2023

Three birds one stone: an enzyme-activatable theragnostic agent for fluorescence diagnosis, photodynamic and inhibitor therapies


AX11890, an inhibitor of overexpressed enzyme, KIAA1363, in some breast cancers, was conjugated with a benzo[a]phenothiazinium photosensitizer to develop a tumor micro-environment-responsive photosensitizer NBS-L-AX. In normal cells, the special geometry of NBS-L-AX causes the fluorescence and photodynamic therapeutic (PDT) effect of NBS-L to be quenched. In cancer cells, when allowed to interact with the enzyme KIAA1363, the geometry of NBS-L-AX changes such that it becomes fluorescent and photodynamically active. Thus, the material of NBS-L-AX serves as an activated imaging and PDT treatment agent for breast cancers. In addition, NBS-L-AX also shows a selective inhibition effect against breast cancer cells.

Graphical abstract: Three birds one stone: an enzyme-activatable theragnostic agent for fluorescence diagnosis, photodynamic and inhibitor therapies

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Article information

Article type
15 Jan 2023
15 Mar 2023
First published
18 Mar 2023

Chem. Commun., 2023,59, 4676-4679

Three birds one stone: an enzyme-activatable theragnostic agent for fluorescence diagnosis, photodynamic and inhibitor therapies

X. Yue, B. Wang, M. Lan, J. Fan, X. Song and J. W. Foley, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 4676 DOI: 10.1039/D3CC00214D

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