Issue 20, 2023

A new subclass of copper(i) hybrid emitters showing TADF with near-unity quantum yields and a strong solvatochromic effect


We introduce here a new subclass of copper(I) hybrid emitters simultaneously containing [CuxIy]z anions and Cu+ cations, separated in space by a Janus head ligand. When UV-irradiated at 298 K, these unique “Two-In-One” hybrids exhibit a short-lived green TADF with near-unity quantum yield and a strong solvatochromic effect. Moreover, they manifest a strong radioluminescence upon X-ray irradiation. These findings open up new possibilities for the design of highly performing TADF materials.

Graphical abstract: A new subclass of copper(i) hybrid emitters showing TADF with near-unity quantum yields and a strong solvatochromic effect

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Article information

Article type
09 Jan 2023
27 Jan 2023
First published
01 Feb 2023

Chem. Commun., 2023,59, 2923-2926

A new subclass of copper(I) hybrid emitters showing TADF with near-unity quantum yields and a strong solvatochromic effect

A. Yu. Baranov, M. I. Rakhmanova, X. Hei, D. G. Samsonenko, D. V. Stass, I. Yu. Bagryanskaya, M. R. Ryzhikov, V. P. Fedin, J. Li and A. V. Artem'ev, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 2923 DOI: 10.1039/D3CC00119A

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