Issue 44, 2023

Constructing a 3D interconnected network of Ag nanostructures for high-performance SERS detection of food coloring agents


The design and preparation of various effective three-dimensional (3D) silver nanostructures is a frontier area of research in the field of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). This paper demonstrates a simple and novel method for the preparation of a substrate, whose surface was covered by a 3D interconnected network of Ag nanostructures, and the resulting network structure surface is free of organic contaminants. The EDS measurements confirm the metallic nature of the formed 3D Ag nanonetwork substrate. Additionally, the influence of experimental parameters on the morphology of the 3D Ag nanonetwork was also investigated, such as reaction time, hydrofluoric acid concentration, silver nitrate concentration and sodium citrate concentration. The 3D Ag nanonetwork has good uniformity. Importantly, the 3D Ag nanonetwork substrate was used to accurately and reliably detect amaranth (AR) and sunset yellow (SY) in beverages, with the lowest detection limit of 3 and 0.1 μg L−1, respectively. Therefore, this substrate is expected to be a promising candidate for SERS detection and offers attractive potential for a wider range of applications.

Graphical abstract: Constructing a 3D interconnected network of Ag nanostructures for high-performance SERS detection of food coloring agents

Article information

Article type
29 Aug 2023
27 Sep 2023
First published
07 Nov 2023

Anal. Methods, 2023,15, 6088-6096

Constructing a 3D interconnected network of Ag nanostructures for high-performance SERS detection of food coloring agents

P. Zeng, H. Zhang, Q. Guan, Q. Zhang, X. Yan, L. Yu, L. Duan and C. Wang, Anal. Methods, 2023, 15, 6088 DOI: 10.1039/D3AY01515G

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