Issue 39, 2023

Accuracy improvement of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy coal analysis by hybrid transfer learning


Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been applied in coal analysis for advantages such as real-time online analysis. Fine-tuning is a transfer learning method that has been utilized in LIBS to improve accuracy in the target domain with a limited training set by introducing a model trained on a different but related source domain. This research proposed a hybrid transfer learning method (HTr-LIBS) to further enhance the performance of LIBS coal analysis by combining fine-tuning with sample reweighting. A neural network was pre-trained on the source domain and target domain training set. The sample weights of the source domain were iteratively adjusted according to the prediction errors. The pre-trained neural network with optimal sample weights was then fine-tuned using the target domain training set. The proposed method significantly improved the analytical accuracy compared to direct modeling using small training sets. When the training set size increased to 19, the R2P of direct modeling for ash content and volatile matter content were 0.8105 and 0.9440, respectively. HTr-LIBS increased the R2P for ash content and volatile matter content to 0.9029 and 0.9627, respectively. The improvements were more significant and stable than fine-tuning of the source domain model without sample reweighting. The introduction of target domain data during pre-training and the iterative adjustment of sample weights both contributed to the improvements.

Graphical abstract: Accuracy improvement of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy coal analysis by hybrid transfer learning

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Article information

Article type
08 Aug 2023
21 Sep 2023
First published
27 Sep 2023

Anal. Methods, 2023,15, 5157-5165

Accuracy improvement of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy coal analysis by hybrid transfer learning

J. Chen, W. Yan, L. Kang, B. Lu, K. Liu and X. Li, Anal. Methods, 2023, 15, 5157 DOI: 10.1039/D3AY01380D

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