Issue 28, 2023

Development of a cellulose-based 96-well plate vertical flow pull-down assay


The abundance and low production cost of biomaterial cellulose paper have attracted attention for many applications. Point-of-care (PoC) diagnostic tests have been successfully developed using patterned cellulose paper. Although PoC diagnostic tests are rapid and simple to perform, their sample processing throughput is limited, allowing for only one sample to be evaluated at a time, which restricts potential applications. Thus, it was appealing to expand cellulose-based PoC tests to high-throughput versions to increase their applicability. Here, we present the development of a high-throughput cellulose-based 96-well plate vertical flow pull-down assay that can process 96 tests, is easy to prepare, and can be customized for different detection targets. The device has two key features: (i) patterned cellulose paper for 96 tests that do not require pre-immobilization of capturing reagents, and (ii) reusable sturdy housing. We believe that a variety of applications, including laboratory testing, population surveillance tests, and sizable clinical trials for diagnostic tests, can benefit from the adoption of this cellulose-based 96-well plate assay.

Graphical abstract: Development of a cellulose-based 96-well plate vertical flow pull-down assay

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Article information

Article type
Technical Note
21 Apr 2023
18 Jun 2023
First published
10 Jul 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Anal. Methods, 2023,15, 3483-3489

Development of a cellulose-based 96-well plate vertical flow pull-down assay

H. L. Cheng, H. Jia, S. M. Lim, S. Y. Ng, P. Kongsuphol, M. E. McBee and H. D. Sikes, Anal. Methods, 2023, 15, 3483 DOI: 10.1039/D3AY00614J

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