Issue 12, 2023

Design of a highly sensitive and versatile membrane-based immunosensor using a Cu-free click reaction


A highly sensitive immunosensor is developed using membrane pores as the recognition interface. In this sensor, a Cu-free click reaction is used to efficiently immobilize antibodies, and the sensor inhibits the adsorption of nonspecific proteins that degrade sensitivity. Furthermore, the sensor demonstrates rapid interleukin-6 detection in the picogram per milliliter range.

Graphical abstract: Design of a highly sensitive and versatile membrane-based immunosensor using a Cu-free click reaction

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Article information

Article type
30 Dec 2022
21 Feb 2023
First published
22 Feb 2023

Anal. Methods, 2023,15, 1494-1499

Design of a highly sensitive and versatile membrane-based immunosensor using a Cu-free click reaction

H. Okuyama, Y. Kodama, K. Takemura, H. Yamashita, Y. Oshiba and T. Yamaguchi, Anal. Methods, 2023, 15, 1494 DOI: 10.1039/D2AY02110B

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