Issue 41, 2022

Ion-imprinted MnO2/CoFe2O4 Janus magnetic micromotors synthesized by a lotus pollen template for highly selective recognition and capture of Pb(ii) ions


Micromotors that combine the merits of micro-devices with specific functions and autonomous motion have numerous applications in environmental remediation. However, their practical application is blocked by low productivity, a complex preparation process and high cost. Herein, we developed a facile biomass route to synthesize ion-imprinted MnO2/CoFe2O4 Janus micromotors with appealing recognition and capture capacities for Pb(II) ions. Owing to the combination of autonomous motion, the ion imprinting technique, and magnetic recovery, the ion-imprinted MnO2/CoFe2O4 Janus micromotors exhibited highly sensitive and selective adsorption and quick removal of lead ions from water. Such a Janus micromotor reveals great potential in environmental remediation.

Graphical abstract: Ion-imprinted MnO2/CoFe2O4 Janus magnetic micromotors synthesized by a lotus pollen template for highly selective recognition and capture of Pb(ii) ions

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Article information

Article type
12 Jun 2022
13 Sep 2022
First published
15 Sep 2022

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022,10, 15524-15531

Ion-imprinted MnO2/CoFe2O4 Janus magnetic micromotors synthesized by a lotus pollen template for highly selective recognition and capture of Pb(II) ions

Y. Han, Y. Lyu, N. Xing, X. Zhang, K. Hu, H. Luo, D. H. L. Ng and J. Li, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 15524 DOI: 10.1039/D2TC02458F

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