Issue 47, 2022

Structure and flow conditions through a colloidal packed bed formed under flow and confinement


When a colloidal suspension flows in a constriction, particles deposit and are able to clog it entirely, this fouling process being followed by the accumulation of particles. The knowledge of the dynamics of formation of such a dense particle assembly behind the clog head and its structural features is of primary importance in many industrial and environmental processes and especially during filtration. While most studies concentrate on the conditions under which pore clogging occurs, i.e., the pore narrowing up to its complete obstruction, this paper focuses on the accumulation of particles that follows pore obstruction. We determine the relative contribution of the confinement dimensions, the ionic strength and the flow conditions on the permeability and particle volume fraction of the resultant accumulation. In high confinement the irreversible deposition of particles on the channel surfaces controls the structure of the accumulation and the flow through it, irrespective of the other conditions, leading to a Darcy flow. Finally, we show that contrarily to the clog head, in which there is cohesion between particles, those in the subsequent accumulation are held together by the fluid and form a dense suspension of repulsive hard spheres.

Graphical abstract: Structure and flow conditions through a colloidal packed bed formed under flow and confinement

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
02 Apr 2022
09 Nov 2022
First published
14 Nov 2022

Soft Matter, 2022,18, 8995-9007

Structure and flow conditions through a colloidal packed bed formed under flow and confinement

N. Delouche, B. Dersoir, A. B. Schofield and H. Tabuteau, Soft Matter, 2022, 18, 8995 DOI: 10.1039/D2SM00419D

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