Issue 6, 2022

Lubricated soft normal elastic contact of a sphere: a new numerical method and experiment


An important problem in lubrication is the squeezing of a thin liquid film between a rigid sphere and an elastic substrate under normal contact. Numerical solution of this problem typically uses iteration techniques. A difficulty with iteration schemes is that convergence becomes increasingly difficult under increasingly heavy loads. Here we devise a numerical scheme that does not involve iteration. Instead, a linear problem is solved at every time step. The scheme is fully automatic, stable and efficient. We illustrate this technique by solving a relaxation test in which a rigid spherical indenter is brought rapidly into normal contact with a thick elastic substrate lubricated by a liquid film. The sphere is then fixed in position as the pressure relaxes. We also carried out relaxation experiments on a lubricated soft PDMS (polydimethysiloxane) substrate under different conditions. These experiments are in excellent agreement with the numerical solution.

Graphical abstract: Lubricated soft normal elastic contact of a sphere: a new numerical method and experiment

Article information

Article type
20 Nov 2021
29 Dec 2021
First published
30 Dec 2021

Soft Matter, 2022,18, 1219-1227

Author version available

Lubricated soft normal elastic contact of a sphere: a new numerical method and experiment

Z. Liu, H. Dong, A. Jagota and C. Hui, Soft Matter, 2022, 18, 1219 DOI: 10.1039/D1SM01654G

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