Issue 9, 2022

Engineering stability, longevity, and miscibility of microtubule-based active fluids


Microtubule-based active matter provides insight into the self-organization of motile interacting constituents. We describe several formulations of microtubule-based 3D active isotropic fluids. Dynamics of these fluids is powered by three types of kinesin motors: a processive motor, a non-processive motor, and a motor which is permanently linked to a microtubule backbone. Another modification uses a specific microtubule crosslinker to induce bundle formation instead of a non-specific polymer depletant. In comparison to the already established system, each formulation exhibits distinct properties. These developments reveal the temporal stability of microtubule-based active fluids while extending their reach and the applicability.

Graphical abstract: Engineering stability, longevity, and miscibility of microtubule-based active fluids

Article information

Article type
06 Sep 2021
14 Jan 2022
First published
18 Jan 2022

Soft Matter, 2022,18, 1825-1835

Author version available

Engineering stability, longevity, and miscibility of microtubule-based active fluids

P. Chandrakar, J. Berezney, B. Lemma, B. Hishamunda, A. Berry, K. Wu, R. Subramanian, J. Chung, D. Needleman, J. Gelles and Z. Dogic, Soft Matter, 2022, 18, 1825 DOI: 10.1039/D1SM01289D

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