Issue 1, 2022

Phase diagram of SALR fluids on spherical surfaces


We investigate the phase diagram of a fluid of hard-core disks confined to the surface of a sphere and whose interaction potential contains a short-range attraction followed by a long-range repulsive tail (SALR). Based on previous work in the bulk we derive a stability criterion for the homogeneous phase of the fluid, and locate a region of instability linked to the presence of a negative minimum in the spherical harmonics expansion of the interaction potential. The inhomogeneous phases contained within this region are characterized using a mean-field density functional theory. We find several inhomogeneous patterns that can be separated into three broad classes: cluster crystals, stripes, and bubble crystals, each containing topological defects. Interestingly, while the periodicity of inhomogeneous phases at large densities is mainly determined by the position of the negative minimum of the potential expansion, the finite size of the system induces a richer behavior at smaller densities.

Graphical abstract: Phase diagram of SALR fluids on spherical surfaces

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
31 Aug 2021
16 Nov 2021
First published
18 Nov 2021

Soft Matter, 2022,18, 186-197

Phase diagram of SALR fluids on spherical surfaces

S. Franzini, L. Reatto and D. Pini, Soft Matter, 2022, 18, 186 DOI: 10.1039/D1SM01257F

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