Issue 37, 2022

Calix[4]pyrrolato gallate: square planar-coordinated gallium(iii) and its metal–ligand cooperative reactivity with CO2 and alcohols


Forcing a priori tetracoordinate atoms into planar configuration represents a promising concept for enhanced reactivity of p-block element-based systems. Herein, the synthesis, characterization, and reactivity of calix[4]pyrrolato gallates, constituting square planar-coordinated gallium(III) atoms, are reported. Unusual structural constraint-induced Lewis acidity against neutral and anionic donors is disclosed by experiment and rationalized by computations. An energetically balanced dearomatization/rearomatization of a pyrrole unit enables fully reversible metal–ligand cooperative capture of CO2. While alcohols are found unreactive against the gallates, a rapid and selective OH-bond activation can be triggered upon protonation of the ligand. Secondary ligand–sphere modification adds a new avenue to structurally-constrained complexes that unites functional group tolerance with unconventional reactivity.

Graphical abstract: Calix[4]pyrrolato gallate: square planar-coordinated gallium(iii) and its metal–ligand cooperative reactivity with CO2 and alcohols

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
31 May 2022
07 Sep 2022
First published
07 Sep 2022
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2022,13, 11215-11220

Calix[4]pyrrolato gallate: square planar-coordinated gallium(III) and its metal–ligand cooperative reactivity with CO2 and alcohols

L. M. Sigmund, E. Engels, N. Richert and L. Greb, Chem. Sci., 2022, 13, 11215 DOI: 10.1039/D2SC03054C

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