Issue 18, 2022

Can a Wanzlick-like equilibrium exist between dicoordinate borylenes and diborenes?


Boron chemistry has experienced tremendous progress in the last few decades, resulting in the isolation of a variety of compounds with remarkable electronic structures and properties. Some examples are the singly Lewis-base-stabilised borylenes, wherein boron has a formal oxidation state of +I, and their dimers featuring a boron–boron double bond, namely diborenes. However, no evidence of a Wanzlick-type equilibrium between borylenes and diborenes, which would open a valuable route to the latter compounds, has been found. In this work, we combine DFT, coupled-cluster, multireference methods, and natural bond orbital/natural resonance theory analyses to investigate the electronic, structural, and kinetic factors controlling the reactivity of the transient CAAC-stabilised cyanoborylene, which spontaneously cyclotetramerises into a butterfly-type, twelve-membered (BCN)4 ring, and the reasons why its dimerisation through the boron atoms is hampered. The computations are also extended to the NHC-stabilised borylene counterparts. We reveal that the borylene ground state multiplicity dictates the preference for self-stabilising cyclooligomerisation over boron–boron dimerisation. Our comparison between NHC- vs. CAAC-stabilised borylenes provides a convincing rationale for why the reduction of the former always gives diborenes while a range of other products is found for the latter. Our findings provide a theoretical background for the rational design of base-stabilised borylenes, which could pave the way for novel synthetic routes to diborenes or alternatively non-dimerising systems for small-molecule activation.

Graphical abstract: Can a Wanzlick-like equilibrium exist between dicoordinate borylenes and diborenes?

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Article type
Edge Article
29 Oct 2021
03 Mar 2022
First published
04 Mar 2022
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2022,13, 5118-5129

Can a Wanzlick-like equilibrium exist between dicoordinate borylenes and diborenes?

F. Fantuzzi, Y. Jiao, R. D. Dewhurst, F. Weinhold, H. Braunschweig and B. Engels, Chem. Sci., 2022, 13, 5118 DOI: 10.1039/D1SC05988B

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