Issue 15, 2022, Issue in Progress

Ge nanowires on top of a Ge substrate for applications in anodes of Li and Na ion batteries: a first-principles study


In this study, density functional theory (DFT) was used to research the adsorption and diffusion features of Li and Na on Ge nanowires on top of a Ge substrate. The adsorption energies at different positions are 0.71–1.28 eV for Na and −2.96–−2.13 eV for Li. The adsorption energies can be further reduced by surface modification with one or two P atoms. In particular, the sidewall of the Ge nanowire modified by two P atoms is most favorable to adsorb Li/Na. In addition, we used the nudged elastic band (NEB) method to study the diffusion pathways of Li/Na on the sidewall of Ge NW and the Ge substrate and computed their energy barriers. When Li or Na diffuses across the Ge NW, the energy barrier is 0.65 or 0.79 eV, indicating that the Ge NW can be applied to anodes in lithium and sodium ion batteries. Finally, the insertion of more lithium and sodium atoms into the Ge NW would cause volume expansion and the average length of Ge–Ge bonds to increase. This work will contribute to studying the adsorption and diffusion of Li and Na on nanowires with a substrate and the volume expansion caused by the insertion of Li/Na into the nanowires. Additionally, it provides guidance for designing Ge anodes for sodium ion batteries.

Graphical abstract: Ge nanowires on top of a Ge substrate for applications in anodes of Li and Na ion batteries: a first-principles study

Article information

Article type
21 Jan 2022
17 Mar 2022
First published
23 Mar 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 9163-9169

Ge nanowires on top of a Ge substrate for applications in anodes of Li and Na ion batteries: a first-principles study

S. Gao, T. Zhao, D. Wang, J. Huang, Y. Xiang and Y. Yu, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 9163 DOI: 10.1039/D2RA00444E

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