Issue 32, 2022

Bioinspired ionic hydrogel materials with excellent antifouling properties and high conductivity in dry and cold environments


Drawing inspiration from some soil organisms (e.g. earthworms) that can readily move in moist or adhesive soil without soil particles adhering to their bodies, a strategy for integrating two complementary polymer chain segments (i.e. polyelectrolyte and zwitterionic polymer) produces ionic hydrogel-based antifouling materials with ultralow adhesion to various solid/viscous liquid deposits, high ionic conductivity, and excellent mechanical properties, paving the way towards broad applications.

Graphical abstract: Bioinspired ionic hydrogel materials with excellent antifouling properties and high conductivity in dry and cold environments

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Article information

Article type
13 Jun 2022
25 Jul 2022
First published
25 Jul 2022

Polym. Chem., 2022,13, 4711-4716

Bioinspired ionic hydrogel materials with excellent antifouling properties and high conductivity in dry and cold environments

Q. Shi, J. Mao, Y. Cai, H. Gao, S. Li and D. Cheng, Polym. Chem., 2022, 13, 4711 DOI: 10.1039/D2PY00750A

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