Issue 43, 2022

Promoter-regulated in vivo asymmetric self-assembly strategy to synthesize heterogeneous nanoparticles for signal amplification


Signal amplification is commonly used to enhance the sensitivity of biological analysis. Here, we present a strategy involving in vivo asymmetric self-assembly combined with promoter strength regulation to synthesize heterogeneous nanoparticles for signal amplification. Two expression vectors were constructed by genetically inserting, respectively, signal and binding molecules into the hepatitis B core antigen protein (HBcAg) structure. Because of differential expression of the two recombinant proteins in the presence of a strong promoter (T7) and a weak promoter (Tac-1) and spontaneous asymmetric self-assembly in vivo, heterogeneous HBcAg nanoparticles (NPs) with a high ratio of signal-bearing to target-binding molecules were obtained. These nanoparticles contained a large number of green fluorescent proteins as signal molecules and a small number of B1 immunoglobulin-binding domains from protein G for antibody binding, thus enabling sensitive immunoassays. As a proof of concept, improved sensitivity for antibody detection was achieved using the heterogeneous nanoparticle conjugated with a secondary antibody molecule.

Graphical abstract: Promoter-regulated in vivo asymmetric self-assembly strategy to synthesize heterogeneous nanoparticles for signal amplification

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Article information

Article type
25 Aug 2022
11 Oct 2022
First published
13 Oct 2022

Nanoscale, 2022,14, 16180-16184

Promoter-regulated in vivo asymmetric self-assembly strategy to synthesize heterogeneous nanoparticles for signal amplification

C. Chen, J. Zhou, D. Men and X. Zhang, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 16180 DOI: 10.1039/D2NR04661J

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