Issue 28, 2022

Designing anisotropic inorganic nanocapsules via self-assembly of polymer-like ultrathin Au nanowires


Anisotropic assembly of nanomaterials into hollow structures is an attractive technique in biomedicine and biosensing. Commonly used polymer materials are easy to assemble yet it is hard to form anisotropic morphologies. Here in this work, we successfully prepared a novel gold nanocapsule with an anisotropic ellipsoidal shape and cavity structure by the self-assembly of ultrathin Au nanowires. The assembly mechanism is further studied by tuning the assembly conditions such as nanowire concentration, solvent composition, and temperature. It is found that the controlling forces of the nanowire assembly process are mainly the symmetric interfacial tension and the asymmetric nanowire deformation potential, which contribute together to result in anisotropic nanocapsules. Finally, the obtained Au nanocapsules were used as nanocarriers to load pyrene as a model drug, showing great drug loading ability and pH-responsive drug release behavior. We believe that this unique anisotropic assembly product will bring new insights into nanostructure design and soft matter research.

Graphical abstract: Designing anisotropic inorganic nanocapsules via self-assembly of polymer-like ultrathin Au nanowires

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Article information

Article type
30 Mar 2022
08 Jun 2022
First published
08 Jun 2022

Nanoscale, 2022,14, 10060-10066

Designing anisotropic inorganic nanocapsules via self-assembly of polymer-like ultrathin Au nanowires

X. Li, S. Zhang, Y. Chen, S. Wang, Q. Xu and J. Xu, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 10060 DOI: 10.1039/D2NR01749K

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