Issue 5, 2022

Unidirectional single-mode lasing realization and temperature-induced mode switching in asymmetric GaN coupled cavities


Effective lasing mode control and unidirectional coupling of semiconductor microlasers are vital to boost their applications in optical interconnects, on-chip communication, and bio-sensors. In this study, symmetric and asymmetric GaN floating microdisks and coupled cavities are designed based on the Vernier effect and then fabricated via electron beam lithography, dry-etching of GaN, and isotropic wet-etching of silicon (Si) support. The lasing properties, including model number, threshold, radiation direction, and mode switching method, are studied. Compared to its symmetrical structure, both experimental and simulated optical field distributions indicate that the lasing outgoing direction can be controlled with a vertebral angle on the disk. The whispering gallery mode (WGM) lasing of the structures, with a quasi-single-mode lasing at 374.36 nm, a dual-mode lasing at 372.36 nm, and 373.64 nm at coupled cavities, are obtained statically. More interestingly, a switching between dual-mode and single-mode can be achieved dynamically via a thermal-induced mode shifting.

Graphical abstract: Unidirectional single-mode lasing realization and temperature-induced mode switching in asymmetric GaN coupled cavities

Article information

Article type
01 Nov 2021
03 Jan 2022
First published
03 Jan 2022

Nanoscale, 2022,14, 1921-1928

Unidirectional single-mode lasing realization and temperature-induced mode switching in asymmetric GaN coupled cavities

F. F. Qin, G. Y. Zhu, J. B. Yang, L. Wei, Q. N. Cui and Y. J. Wang, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 1921 DOI: 10.1039/D1NR07203J

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