Issue 3, 2022

Structure, synthesis, biosynthesis, and activity of the characteristic compounds from Ginkgo biloba L.


Covering: 1928–2021

Ginkgo biloba L. is one of the most distinctive plants to have emerged on earth and has no close living relatives. Owing to its phylogenetic divergence from other plants, G. biloba contains many compounds with unique structures that have served to broaden the chemical diversity of herbal medicine. Examples of such compounds include terpene trilactones (ginkgolides), acylated flavonol glycosides (ginkgoghrelins), biflavones (ginkgetin), ginkgotides and ginkgolic acids. The extract of G. biloba leaf is used to prevent and/or treat cardiovascular diseases, while many ginkgo-derived compounds are currently at various stages of preclinical and clinical trials worldwide. The global annual sales of G. biloba products are estimated to total US$10 billion. However, the content and purity of the active compounds isolated by traditional methods are usually low and subject to varying environmental factors, making it difficult to meet the huge demand of the international market. This highlights the need to develop new strategies for the preparation of these characteristic compounds from G. biloba. In this review, we provide a detailed description of the structures and bioactivities of these compounds and summarize the recent research on the development of strategies for the synthesis, biosynthesis, and biotechnological production of the characteristic terpenoids, flavonoids, and alkylphenols/alkylphenolic acids of G. biloba. Our aim is to provide an important point of reference for all scientists who research ginkgo-related compounds for medicinal or other purposes.

Graphical abstract: Structure, synthesis, biosynthesis, and activity of the characteristic compounds from Ginkgo biloba L.

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Review Article
16 Apr 2021
First published
28 Sep 2021

Nat. Prod. Rep., 2022,39, 474-511

Structure, synthesis, biosynthesis, and activity of the characteristic compounds from Ginkgo biloba L.

X. Liu, X. Lu, W. Gao, P. Li and H. Yang, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2022, 39, 474 DOI: 10.1039/D1NP00026H

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